I was first introduced to hypnosis more than 10 years ago when I was in a funk. I wanted to lose some weight and thought hypnosis would help. I’d heard mixed reviews, but I did some research, and decided to give it a try.
I found Ardean and she helped me work on my self-esteem and self-image (which was the root cause of my weight gain). She also introduced me to the world of Silva Method and a whole world of mind over matter. It changed my world. It opened doors for me to feel like I had more control over my life and the situations around me. It made me feel confident and powerful.
This spring I saw an advertisement to learn how to be a hypnotherapist myself. I jumped at the chance. How amazing would it be to help people in the same way Ardean helped me? I enjoyed every minute of the training, engaging with my classmates, and practicing our skills together. I loved it so much that I signed up immediately for the subsequent coaching, neuro-linguistic practitioner, emotional freedom technique, and mastery courses. I spent the next four months spending my free time and two full weeks of intensive training absorbing all I could about these techniques and practicing them with my peers to hone my skills so I can use them to help others live their best life.
What is hypnosis? Believe it or not, you’ve already experienced hypnosis. Ever drive somewhere and now remember how you got there? Hypnosis! Ever daydreamed? Hypnosis! OK, that’s a little oversimplified, but seriously, it’s that easy. Unlike what you see on stage in Vegas, you can only be hypnotized with your permission. A good hypnotherapist uses your own words and wishes in an ethical and ecological way (meaning for the good of all involved) to implant them in your unconscious mind to bring them to fruition. Many people utilize hypnosis to address smoking cessation, weight loss, stress reduction, self-esteem, and similar issues.
Is hypnosis right for you? It most certainly could be. Tapping into your subconscious mind can help you access powers you don’t know you have. Can help instill skills you desire or release habits you don’t. Can implant a sense of confidence and self-worth. Can help you be a better caregiver. Can help you be a better you.
For more information about hypnosis or other services from Turtle Mountain Wellness, please check out our website and submit a client application for direct communication regarding your needs and goodness of fit.